Monday, November 14, 2011

Video Review Week 11

The Impact of Cubism
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video because I recognized cubism; I know what it is and have seen it before so I thought that it would be interesting to watch and learn more about the subject.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-the cubism movement took a great deal of influence from African tribes
-cubism is recognized as the most influential style of the 20th century
-cubism uses techniques like abstraction and collage
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
This video related to the text by extending on what we learned about cubism and showing us many more artists that had key roles in the cubism movement such as Kazimir Malevich and Umberto Boccioni.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I think this video was a very good portrayal of the cubism movement.  It was able to include a lot more information about this particular movement than the text because it could go into more depth and show so many more examples, while also explaining more about how cubism came about and where cubism came from in the the first place.
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video because I really enjoyed the expressionism section in the  textbook, and I have always thought that art and emotion go hand in hand which is a key concept of this movement.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-expressionism utilizes color to explore connections with emotion
-in addition to color, subject matter of expressionist works of art often draw out emotional responses not just from artists but also from the viewers
-this led to expressionism being quite controversial because many people felt it invaded the privacy of their emotions
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
I think this video added a lot more to understanding that artists from this movement were not always appreciated and recognized right away, such as with Edvard Munch's painting Scream  which is now recognized by most societies.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
This video really explored how a few artists in particular played huge roles in the expressionism movement, which I think is a hard concept to grasp so seeing and listening to it again was extremely beneficial.  It is easy to look back at something in the past, but this video shows how it occurred during the movement and didn't just look back on it.
Dada and Surrealism
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video because surrealism is so different I was sure that I would see and learn some very interesting things.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-surrealism uses symbolism, abstraction and emotion among other things to explore new terms
-surrealism ranges from society and politics to dreams and the subconscious in subject matters
-surrealism avoids reality
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos explored many surrealist subjects and artists that were in the text such as Salvador Dali and WWI, but it also showed us more examples of surrealism and surrealist artists that are not as common (at least to me) such as Man Ray's "La Fortune". 
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I really like this video.  It really showed me how art can relate to other subjects and I especially found the exploration of dreams, imagination and the subconscious super interesting and it all seemed to relate a lot to a philosophy class I am currently taking, too.

Matisse and Picasso
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video because I actually recognized the names of these artists outside of this course, so I thought it would be nice to learn more about them.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-Matisse and Picasso are both renowned artists
-Matisse is known for rational, organized and purposeful art
-Picasso is known for his impulsive, abstract and unpredictable art
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
This video followed the careers of two world famous artists.  It followed their individual paths, which were extremely different, that both led to success and an everlasting impression in the world of art.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
This video captured the concept of how different movements and trends and artists could all be relevant at overlapping times and places.  It is cool to see how too totally different artists could coexist and be so successful.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog Making Mask

 This mask is a Shipibo mask, and was made by peoples in the Ucayali River area in Peru.  It is made of carved wood and monkey hair and is fifteen inches long.  The face of the mask is carved to look like a monkey's face.  Other than the monkey hair that is attached to the outside edges of the face, it is bare.  This mask uses texture from the hair as well as the carving.  You can see the marks and bumps in the surface from whatever tool was used to carve it and the individual hairs.

This mask is a helmet type mask named Pumbu.  It's an African mask reserved for chiefs.  It is monochromatic; earthy colors browns, tans and beiges.  It has a long, narrow face, with round, relief eye holes.  The nose, ears and eye holes have white lines around them.  There is a diamond pattern covering the bottom half of the face.  There is a beard made out of a straw-type of material covering the outside edge of the mask.  The mask uses elements and principles to symbolize chiefly courage and power, such as texture in the beard.  Size and proportion of some of the facial features are exaggerated.

This mask, called Ndeemba, is used in initiation ceremonies for boys.  It is very large, and covered in a grassy, straw like material.  It has antler like projections from the top, that are used to hold decorations.  .  It has a small face and exaggerated features.  This mask is also monochromatic with the same earthy tones.  The texture of the grass is course and thick.  The antler like projections use line to bring viewer's eyes to the top of the mask.

 I used similar elements and principles that I saw in the masks that inspired me.  I used a long narrow shape for the face, and shapes for the features of the face, too.  I added texture with the ribbons, and the ribbons were monochromatic using different shades of green.  I also used color by sticking to earthy tones which was a common factor in all of the masks that inspired me.
Creating a mask was cool.  I liked researching all of the different types of mask and choosing my own that inspired me.  There were so many different directions to go with this project that it took me longer to think of what I wanted to do than to actually do it because of all of the different ideas I had.  If this project had been a few weeks earlier maybe I could've made something to use as a Halloween costume, haha!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Video Review

African Art
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video because African art interests me a great deal, as does African culture.  It is one of my dreams to travel there one day. 
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-art is a part of daily life in African culture (ritual masks, tools, utensils, clothing, etc.)
-rituals included art works and preformances for different purposes including wishing for successful hunts
-African art is conceptual; comes from the artist's mind
-African art differs according to which tribe/location you are looking at
-crafts were important to all African cultures
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
This video went into much more depth than the book did about African art.  Instead of just a few pages, it was like having an entire chapter dedicated to this areas art, which is important because it differs greatly depending on where and what African tribe you are dealing with.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I liked how this video reiterated some of the information from the text.  IT really emphasized the importance of crafts not just in one or most African tribes, but in all of them  I think that is important.  We were also to see more about the rituals that we read about in the text, which obviously meant a great deal to these cultures since everyday life was centered around them.

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.I chose this video because I am going to Thailand in January and I think that having a better understanding of Buddhism or even a basic understanding will help me appreciate more of the culture while I am there.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-symbolism is often used in Buddhist art
-architecture is an important form of art in the form of temples and shrines
-Buddhist shrines can be found in NY, not just in the far east
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
This video related to the text in that it not only gave some history and background on Buddhism, but it built on that and explored the different types of art that are important to this religion and culture.  I like that the video brought in Buddhism in New York and the US in general because in recent years there has been a substantial movement to Buddhism here.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I think that not only did this video add to the depth and understanding from the class, but it will add to my future experiences when I visit and see shrines first hand.  I will be able to recognize and appreciate the symbolism and understand the idea of "tanha" that is behind all of their art somewhere.

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I do not know much about Hinduism and I feel like it is commonly mistaken with other eastern religions so I would like to learn more about it.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-heavy symbolism use
-many Gods are recognized in artwork and in prayer
-artwork is intricate and decorative
-ancient Hindu temples and shrines still exist today
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
This video relates to the text in alot of ways.  Hindu artwork is a perfect example of the spiritual realm in art, because Hinduism is such a spiritual religion.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
Learning about a religion and culture that is new doesn't only add understanding and perspective to what I know from the text but it adds to how one can tolerate and understand other cultures in life.  I think that this video about Hinduism would be a great way for art to be used to explain aspects of a culture.

The Great Wave
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video because I enjoy Japanese art and have noticed the prevalence of waves in this culture's art and wonder if it stemmed from this one iconic piece, or if this piece was created because waves were commonly used.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
 -The Great Wave is the most iconic piece of Japanese art
-it utilizes the "hanging world" technique
-some interpret this piece as a symbolic self portrait of the artist and his morals
-although this image can be seen on t-shirts and coffee cups, only a few of the historical prints exist
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
I think that this video goes a lot with the chapter in which we learned about iconography, because of the different interpretations of this iconic image.  Before watching the video I would have found it very difficult to believe that one could interpret this image as a self portrait of the artist, but now I understand how through symbolism this is a valid thought.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
This video made me think a lot about other famous images that have become very popular such as the legendary photograph of the kissing couple during WW2.   I think that like that photograph, The Great Wave has lost a lot of it's value with the popularity of it. People stop looking into the piece deeply and only see the surface just like how I had no idea this piece was so symbolic even though I had actually seen it before.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Exploring Line

The hand on the left was drawn by my dominant hand, and the hand on the right by my non dominant hand.

1. What was it like using your hand as subject matter for a drawing?
I liked using my hand as a subject matter  because i could easily manipulate the angle from which I was seeing it, which side of it I drew or how I chose to pose it.  I felt like I could draw my hand a million times and each drawing could be different, yet still be of my hand.
2. What media did you select - pencil or charcoal? Why?
I chose pencil because the last time I chose charcoal it was messy and difficult to deal with.  I would like to try it again, but not for an assignment in which I have to use my non dominant hand--that would be a little much without practice.
3. How did it feel to create a drawing with your non-dominant hand?
Drawing with my non dominant hand felt extremely awkward.  I did not have the same control, and definitely did not feel as comfortable (which is even apparent in the pose I chose for my non dominant drawing.
4. Compare and contrast your final drawings. Do you think they are successful studies?
I think that they are successful studies, but if we have another non dominant vs. dominant piece I should go to an extreme with my non dominant hand.  Since I know it's not going to look exactly like my dominant hand drawing I should be okay with that and not try to hide it but take it to another level.
5. Would you consider using your non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future?
I definitely would use my non dominant hand again, maybe next time it wouldn't feel as awkward.

Video Review

The Drawings of Michelangelo

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video because Michelangelo is such an iconic person, and although I know enough about him to understand a reference to him or one of his more famous works I would like to know more about him.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-Michelangelo was a perfectionest
-he drafted many, many sketches before creating final copies of his work to achieve exactly the image he wanted
-Michelangelo also researched and studied before starting on works
-Michelangelo prided himself with teaching himself his own techniques of art
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
I think that this waa a good video to watch on top of the text because of the prepratory work and thumbnail sketches that it showed, because if the textbook included all of the sketches that came before the final images it shows it would easily be hundreds of pages longer.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
This video kind of helped me to see better why we need to have practice sketches handed in alongside our final projects for this class, not only so you can see that we spent time on it, but so you can see the evolution of our work.  It also taught me why you don't have us just work blindly and we research and watch videos and do readings so we can be well informed and our resulting projects wil reach their potential.


1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video because I did not recognize this artist, and I came into this class with relatively no knowlegdge of artists and works that I liked so I see this as a chance to explore a new artist's works and styles and see if I prefer them.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-Velazquez painted things naturally, as there were and did not pose and stylize them
-emotions such as sympathy are evident in his paitings (esp. those of deformed people)
-he believed in simple religious paintings so their meanings could be simply understood
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
I liked how Velazquez's techniques differed from a lot of artists we have learned about so far, especially regarding religious paintings.  Most that we have seen so far have been so elegant and intricate and almost overwhelming, but Velazquez kept them simple which to me seems much more spiritual.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
It is good to be reminded about artists that are and were truly individuals because sometimes for our projects I feel like I have to create something in the same guidelines that the artists featured in the text or the film followed, but Velazquez did things differently and is a renowned artist because of this.

The Night Watch

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose this video based solely on the title, it really interested me because I wanted to know what it was about.  I wondered if it was actually about a night watch or a painting named The Night Watch or maybe a night watch who was also a painter.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Rembrandt used many elements and principles in The Night Watch including:
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
This video related more to me with the chapter in which we explored the elements and principles of art, because looking at the painting The Night Watch it is very obvious how thought out Rembrandt's use of these tools was and how that planning and use led to the successfulness of this painting.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I will take a lot from this video, by recognizing and searching for elements and principles when looking at others' works.

The Power of Art: Caravaggio

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I liked the title of this art and chose it because I feel that art is a very powerful thing and like to see artists use their works to say or do something and I thought that this would have that.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
-Caravaggio painted dramatic scenes from everyday life whether or not they were what audiences wanted to see
-not only did he use models from the present day and off of the street, but he brought historical and biblical events into the present day
-the violence and chaos in Caravaggio's art came from his real life
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
Again, I liked learning more about an artist that is not focused on in the text.  I think the more artists and works I am exposed to the more of a perspective I can develop and use when I am analyzing and evaluating pieces.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I found myself thinking about writers in American history, such as E.A.Poe, when watching this video because his erratic life manifested in his stories, just as Caravaggio's did in his artworks.  It really made me think about where inspiration comes from.