Saturday, October 1, 2011


Logo creation process slideshow
1.  I thought it was kind of difficult to create a logo for myself, not only because of my lack of artistic ability, but more so because I thought it was really hard to decide which way I wanted to go with it.  Coming up with the thought behind the logo was more difficult than creating the logo itself.
2.  After looking through all of the videos and information a couple things really stuck with me from the powerpoint slideshow; expressing what I stand for (identity and qualities), and that "A good logo is like setting the foundation stone for a good brand career."  Keeping these things in mind I thought about qualities specific to myself, and what I one day hope to do as a career.  This helped me come up with a theme of environmental science and physical geography because physical geography is my major and I hope to go into watershed management one day.
3.  From creating the logo I learned a lot  about myself actually, and I am not sure if that was intended, but I think that was the most important lesson I took away.  Also, I learned that creativity isn't always just there, it can take a lot of planning and thinking.
4.  From the slideshows, videos and reading material I learned how much of a process creating a logo really is.  Even a simple logo has a lot of work as well as thought behind it, this prepared me for the work of creating my own.

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